True Religion Straight Leg table, or you will definitely lose out on sales

Seven tips for selling more cd tms at your gigs You can make money selling cd’s and other merchandise at gigs-But not every band does it effectively.Here are some tips to make sure you do. Set aici up a nice-Looking display.Make your merchandise visually appealing and accessible.Use display stands, colorful signs, and lamps so people can see what they’re buying. Offer a range of products.Offer all the cd’s you’ve recorded, plus some other merchandise such as hats, t-Shirts, bumper stickers, and other products advertising your band. Table placement is key.Pick a high-Traffic location for your cd table.Somewhere at the entrance to the main hall where everyone passes through where there is enough space to pass and where folks have time to browse is ideal. Offer free gifts and discounts.Offer your cd’s at a discount from the price you offer on your website.Offer a discount to customers who buy two cd’s, or a hat or shirt with a cd. Set the right prices.If you go too high, you won’t get many buyers. Mention your merch onstage.Tell customers not to forget to check out your cd table;Point out where it is;And tell them what a deal they’re getting on the price. Accept credit cards.Make sure you accept credit cards at your merch True Religion Straight Leg table, or you will definitely lose out on sales. Selling your cd’s at a concert takes a little retail know-How-But not a lot.Most of the steps you should take to sell more are easy and common sense.Make it easy and tempting for customers to buy, and they will.

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